Bio-identical Hormone Replacement and Optimization Options 


Hormone therapy with testosterone is often necessary for both men at midlife and peri/post- menopausal women to restore youthful energy, upbeat mood, deep restorative sleep cycles, emotional confidence, alert and focused brain function, memory and cognition, good muscle tone and strength, healthy weight, and good sexual libido and function, including erections and orgasm. Estrogen in women is helpful in small doses to eliminate hot flashes and vaginal dryness, improve skin, hair and nail quality, and reduce the risk of urinary dribbling and incontinence. Progesterone in women helps sleep, mood, and prevents uterine bleeding that can be caused by unopposed estrogen.

Bio-identical hormone pellet therapy (Pellet BHRT) is based on 80 years of research and relies on data and studies dating back as early as 1939, making this modality of therapy the longest-studied form of hormone replacement therapy. Subcutaneous pellet therapy is the only form of HRT that is released directly into the blood stream consistently on a 24/7 basis, based on cardiac output. This ensures patient compliance 100% of the time, resulting in superior patient experience. Pellets are completely absorbed into the cells of the body without circulating through the liver, where they could excite  coagulation proteins and increase the risk on blood clots. All the modalities of hormone delivery that Dr. Gardner prescribes (pellet implants, topical creams, topical patches, and compounded sublingual troches) do not cause blood clots like ingested hormones, such as birth control pills. Pellets have the highest patient satisfaction of all hormone replacement options, with 85% of pellet patients saying it is their preference. 

Dr. Gardner also does not prescribe synthetic Progestins which have been linked to an increase in female reproductive organ cancers. He uses bio-identical Progesterone, which has not been implicated in increased cancer rates. Testosterone has been shown to decrease cancer risk in both men and women. All patients are reminded to stay current on their regular health assessments, including breast MRIs or mammograms, monthly breast self-checks, and annual Pap smears and pelvic exams for women and PSA screening and prostate exams for men.  


We utilize specific blood tests, symptom questionnaires, and historical information, along with age, height and weight, to determine accurate dose by a formula devised by Dr. Gardner over the years for his hormone replacement patients. Optimization of your hormonal regimen is accomplished by re-testing labs and documenting your individual experience of symptom relief to make and necessary adjustments.

Thyroid Function

Dr. Gardner stresses the importance of proper thyroid function as it relates to overall hormone balance. Dr. Gardner has undertaken advanced training in the latest methods of incorporating thyroid replacement treatment into his comprehensive sex hormone optimization program. Those with autoimmune thyroid disorders, like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, deserve special dosing adjustments that effectively counteract these conditions.

Dr. Gardner also recognizes and incorporates a blend of supplements, including DIM, Iodine, and Vitamins A, D3 and K2 to ensure that patients experience the maximum benefit of their thyroid and hormone pellet therapy.

Call for a hormone consult today and make sure hormone therapy is right for you. 

Call 415-925-8888
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