Orthopedic PRP and stem cell options 

Dr. Gardner utilizes PRP, with or without umbilical cord stem cells and amniotic growth factors and Wharton’s jelly for a variety of regenerative procedures to heal and repair chronically injured tendons, ligaments, and muscle groups. Especially effective are his treatments for knee degenerative joint disease, shoulder rotator cuff and bursitis issues, Achilles’ tendon injuries, plantar fasciitis, and recurrent tennis elbow problems. Recurrent tears and painful spasm in the low and upper back are also signs of underlying weak tissues that should be treated with regenerative techniques. In his experience, ignoring a painful or weak musculoskeletal areas only leads to additional injuries and a protracted and frustrating recovery.


Our stem cells and amniotic growth factors come from FDA-monitored tissue banks that follow all FDA mandates regarding the handling and transport of umbilical cord products. All of these allografts and stem cells come from the donated umbilical cords of newborn babies who are healthy, full term, and delivered in a sterile environment by C-section delivery. We do not use fetal stem cells or others products of conception.

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